Place for all the extra projects and unfinished ideas.
Film. Publications. Performance. You name it.
Riso publication that explores the human body as an archive and the interconnected layers of the human experience: core, mind, body, expression, and perception.
concept of a journey
It's not solely about reaching the final destination, nor is it solely about the experiences encountered along the way; rather, it revolves around the profound realization and appreciation of the entire journey itself.
What if, by 2030, advertising became so invasive that it started infiltrating our dreams—whether we agreed to it or not?
portrait of things
Photography project documenting tradition of having dinner together with my friends.
"Tu" is a mixed reality experience that explores self-reflection. In this VR environment, participants confront symbolic versions of themselves, interacting with representations of flaws and false perceptions. The experience challenges participants to rethink their understanding of self and reality, offering a space for deep introspection.